The Parents & Citizens' Association (P&C) works closely with the school to support the whole school community by enabling parents, teachers and community members to meet together to determine the needs and aspirations for the school and its' students.
The main objective within the P & C is to promote the interests of the school community by holding an open forum where parents, teachers and community members can articulate their ideas and goals for the school.
The P&C also holds regular fundraisers throughout the year to help provide additional resources for the school.
Our meetings commence at 6pm in the staff common room. The meeting dates for this year have been listed below for your convenience. We try and keep the meetings short and informative and it is a great way to meet the Principal and teachers who keep us up to date of what's happening in our school.
We need the involvement of all our parents to help make everything we are trying to achieve possible, so please, come along to our meetings and make a difference!
The James Cook Boys High School P & C Association is excited to announce a further fundraiser with Bite Size ‘FUN’raising Bites to help raise much needed funds for the P & C’s current projects - Quadrangle Equipment and Facilities Upgrade, the STEM Garden Project and the School Hall Upgrade.
We’re selling: Bite Size ‘FUN’raising Bites! These are Australia’s highest award winning biscuits! Each and every biscuit is packed full of real ingredients for a superior taste, and do not contain any added flavours or preservatives. They are all 100% made in Australia so they support local farmers and businesses in the process with part of the proceeds being donated to the Bite Size Kids Appeal.
Each Carry box of Bite Size ‘FUN’ raising Bites contains 15 Gourmet Bites Boxes of three flavours – Chocolate Chip, Raspberry and Salted Caramel.
This fundraiser is super simple and it’s also extremely delicious but we need your help!
Should you have any queries please contact the P & C by email or by phone/text 0419 213 038.
Dear Parents/Carers,
The James Cook Boys High School P&C Association is fundraising via the Return & Earn App for the upgrade and beautification of the STEM garden and school quadrangle. Thank you to all who previously supported our fundraising campaign. You can continue support the school by donating the 10 cent refund on eligible recyclable empty drink containers at any Return and Earn vending machine. Download the Return & Earn app, search for the P&C's fundraising campaign under Charities and set the P&C’s fundraiser as your payout. Scan your barcode at any Return and Earn vending machine prior to scanning your donations and at the end press Donate. See attached flyer for further information. Your donations are valued.
Should you have any queries please contact the P & C by email or by phone/text 0419 213 038.
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