Wellbeing |

Download the Expectation Matrix here
James Cook Boys Technology High School is a Positive Behaviour for Learning school (PBL). PBL is an evidenced based, integrated whole school approach to student wellbeing and behaviour. It is our aim to cater for our students' individual academic and social needs through our PBL framework and to positively foster and nurture our students' talents.
Our core values of SAFE, RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE, ACTIVE LEARNER has been developed in consultation with our school community. Students' opinions and ideas were surveyed, discussed and collected through a student voice approach. The student expectation matrix outlining the expected behaviour of students in different settings was discussed and modified through workshops with the student leadership team. Teachers, staff and parents were consulted and teachers attended professional learning in the PBL framework.
Students are explicitly taught behaviour expectations in the classroom formally and informally at school. Students are positively acknowledged and rewarded for their positive behaviour through our merit system program. Data is continually captured and recorded on our student wellbeing system, which tracks student behaviour to allow the school to make informed and accurate assessments.
Positive and respectful relationships between students, teachers, staff and the community are crucial to the success of the program.
For more information on PBL, please visit https://education.nsw.gov.au/student-wellbeing/whole-school-approach/positive-behaviour-for-learning-pbl
Each student year group is assigned a Year Advisor who has the responsibility of building positive relationships with the students, facilitating and discussing issues that arise throughout the years, proactively initiating programs to meet the needs of individual students and the student group, liaising with parents and carers, attending camps and activities, attending the fortnightly wellbeing meetings, working with the deputy principal and principal to provide the best social and academic opportunities for all students.
Our school counsellor who is also a psychologist attends our fortnightly wellbeing meetings and is available to speak with students individually or in groups. The school counsellor is available to provide, advice and assistance to all students and their families.
To assist our boys to become spiritually, emotionally and socially well-rounded citizens, JCBTHS has a school chaplain located on the school grounds. Funded by local ministries and through the Federal government chaplaincy grant, the school chaplain is available to provide students with spiritual guidance, religious education, facilitates breakfast club, social and leadership programs, together with attending school camps and is an integral member of the wellbeing team.
JCBTHS also employs a Youth Outreach Worker (YOW). Our YOW works closely with students transitioning from Year 6 to Year 7 and Year 8 through our Good Man and Best Man programs. The YOW facilitates lessons in “Rock and Water” that develops students resilience skills and develops empathy and understanding in the areas of respectful relationships. As well as facilitating Yr group and class activities that educate students in understanding what it means to be a man in the 21st century, cyberbullying, respectful relationships with women and promoting White Ribbon Day within our school and community. The YOW conducts one on one counselling sessions with identified students.
All of out Wellbeing Team and all our staff are focused on providing a caring and supportive learning environment, where students feel confident to achieve their best and for them to develop positive relationships is paramount to all our boys' development. JCBTHS prides itself on knowing our individual students and their families and ensuring that we together can provide the best support to allow every boy to achieve his personal best.
School Counselling Service
For information about learning and support teams and the school counselling service, visit:
Disability, learning and support - roles and responsibilities