James Cook Boys Technology High School

Empowering Young Men Through Innovation

Telephone02 9587 1770



JCBTHS launched code club, now called STEM Club, in 2015 providing an opportunity for students to learn about computational thinking and developing their own learning projects over the course of the year. STEM Club runs each Tuesday afternoon between 3 & 4pm and works to the ability level of students. STEM Club is open to all students from Years 7 to 12.

Students learn to code using graphical interfaces and participate in Hour of Code, a global initiative supported by well known innovators and to utilise Lego Robotics.

As students progress they will begin to utilise skills in their own projects. Students we will be looking at some of the following:

  • Programming Arduino Devices
  • Programming drones with iPads
  • Video Editing
  • 3D Modelling and Printing 

Students participating in the group also are provided with rewards and further curriculum enhancements around innovation in education.

As a school we also develop each student's confidence in presenting and working with other students from our Bayside Community of School, these opportunities develop our boys ability in leadership within the school and beyond.