Message to parents,
A continued approach to maintaining a hygienic environment
I would like thank all parents/carers and students for working together to ensure we all prevent the spread of colds and flues this season by maintaining good hygiene practice at school and staying at home when feeling unwell. At school students and staff have access to sanitising products in every classroom and in common areas and we encourage students to wash their hands regularly during the day and to bring their own refillable water bottles. If you have any concerns regarding your son’s health please do not hesitate to contact me.
Semester 1 Academic Reports
Year 11 and 12 academic reports were issued at the end of last term.
Year 7 – 10 reports will be issued during this week. Due to Social distancing parameters we are unable to hold a face to face parent/teacher interview evening. As an alternative we will be providing parents and carers the opportunity to obtain feedback regarding their son’s Semester 1 progress via phone conferencing. An online booking system for parents/carers will be available for them to book a phone interview with their son’s Year Advisor and classroom teachers. Further information regarding the online parent/teacher interviews will be provided to parents/carers when the academic reports are issued.
In addition to Year 8 and 9 students receiving their Semester 1 academic reports and the opportunity to obtain teacher feedback students and their parents will be provided with information regarding subject elective choices for Year 9/10 2021. This information will be provided to students in Years 9 and 10 and a copy will also be posted home with the academic reports. There will also be an online presentation explaining the subject elective process.
All Year 10 students will also be selecting their Year 11 subjects for 2021 in Weeks 6 and 7. Year 10 students in addition to receiving their Semester 1 report will also be provided with a Subject Selection Information booklet. Year 10 students have already received information regarding transitioning from Year 10 to 11 and have had the opportunity to meet with the Careers Advisor to develop an individual transition plan for 2021. Parents/Carers will receive a copy of the Subject Selection Information booklet to allow parents/carers the opportunity to discuss options with their son’s prior to having a phone conference with the school panel. The panel consisting of the Deputy Principal, Carers Advisor and the Year 10 Advisor will assist students and parents/carers through the subject selection process for Year 11 subjects. Further information will be provided regarding how to book for the panel interview.
Year 12 2020
Year 12 HSC candidates have been provided with their Trial HSC Exam which will be commencing in Week 6 (24th August) and running until the end of Week 7 (4th September). Homework club recommenced on the 3rd of August and all Year 12 students are encouraged to attend. Year 12 and 11 students have been offered another homework club day, every Thursday to further prepare students for their upcoming exams. Year 12 students have also been provided information on how to access their individual HSC exam timetables. To support Year 12 student to meet their post school goals students will be individually supported by the School’s Careers Adviser to ensure they have relevant information relating to post school goals as well as a personalised support to complete university applications, early entry options and UAC Educational Access Scheme assistance. This year, Year 12 students will be receiving their HSC results and their ATAR on Friday 18th December which is the official last day of Term 4 2020. We encourage all students to participate in the opportunity to diligently work on finalising their post school transition planning well before this date as it will be difficult to access staff on the 17th and 18th of December due to the majority of staff finishing the school year on Wednesday 16th December.
If parents or carers would like further information regarding information or support for their son’s transition from school to post school destinations please contact the Careers Advisor, Ms Julie Blatchford, Year 12 Advisor Ms Smith or myself.
The school is still in the process of discussing the available options for a Year 12 Graduation. Traditionally our Year 12 Graduation Ceremony consisting of a formal dinner with students, parents and staff that takes place in the last week of Term 3. Due to the current situation around social distancing and following the advice from the Department of Health and the Department of Education we are considering alternative options. Further information will be provided to Year 12 students and parents and carers within the next couple of weeks.
Student Representative Council (SRC) 2020
In concluding I would like to congratulate all the students who were successful in our SRC elections that took place earlier in the year. Unfortunately we were unable to hold our SRC induction ceremony at the end of Term 1. However we will be holding a small induction ceremony at school and providing the successful boys with their SRC badges. The SRC for 2020 will run for an extended period of time due to delayed nominations. The period will extend into Term 2 2021 to provide students with the opportunity to lead and be part of school events that would normally happen. We are also looking at ways in which our SRC can have alternative opportunities to demonstrate their leadership skills through online workshops and media releases.
I would like to congratulate all of our students for their commitment and perseverance toward their learning during Semester 1. Despite the unprecedented challenges that they have had to overcome they have conducted themselves in a mature manner and adapted and overcome any adversity during a time of great uncertainty. I would also like to thank the parents and carers for their ongoing commitment and support toward the school and trusting us with the care of their sons.
Due to social distancing guidelines and the advice from the Department of Education schools are advised to restrict non-essential people visiting the school. Following this advice we are looking at alternative options to enable us to conduct non face to face meetings. Our next scheduled P&C meeting is on 19th August 2020. I will be discussing possible alternatives to face to face meetings with the P&C committee this week. Once a decision has been made I will advise all parents.
Co-Curricular Activities
I am pleased to announce that Homework Club has commenced along with STEM Club. I encourage all students to take up the opportunity to attend Homework Club, to complete any unfinished work, homework or work on assessment tasks. Our teachers are there to assist the students along with ex students who are currently attending university. Homework Club is on every Monday from 3 to 4pm in the school library and adjoining rooms. An additional day (Thursday) has been provided for Year 11 and 12 from 2:10pm to 3:30pm.
This term in STEM Club students have the opportunity to develop their skills in Minecraft, LEGO Robotics or working with the Virtual Reality kits (VR). STEM Club runs every Tuesday afternoon from 3 to 4pm. All students are welcome to attend, please remember to obtain a note and return it to the front office.
Mark Marciniak