Bring Your Own Device for Learning Policy (BYOD)
School Rationale
How we learn, operate and present our understanding of content is evolving with our access to technology on a daily basis. Government schools adopted a one-to-one model under the Federal initiative referred to at a state level as the "Digital Education Revolution" between 2009 & 2012.
Over the last decade there has been continuing research and feasibility studies conducted about how one-to-one device programs enrich student learning experiences. There is an in-depth literature review available to help staff, parents and students understand how devices and learning frameworks have functioned in a series of pilots and also large-scale roll outs across the globe.
Our school's direction
JCBTHS, every student is required to have a learning device as part of the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program to actively participate in their education. The device is used for accessing learning materials, creating resources, and submitting work on platforms such as Google Classroom, STILE (Science), and Mathletics.
BYOD enhances one-to-one access to technology, enabling personalised, student-centred learning that fosters engagement, motivation, and self-directed learning.
The department provides network access in all schools, along with essential learning tools such as Microsoft Office 365, G Suite for Education, and Adobe Creative Suite. A BYOD environment allows students to utilise these tools for both collaborative and independent learning, enhancing their classroom experience.
Research and case studies indicate that BYOD promotes greater student responsibility in managing their devices while also increasing enthusiasm, engagement, and active participation in learning.
If you believe you are unable to provide a device please contact the school and discuss with your child’s Year Adviser. While the school won't purchase devices for students in the BYOD program there are several options available to provide assistance to students.
JCBTHS Policy Information for Parents & Students
1. Definition
- The term "device" refers to any mobile electronic technology, including assistive technologies, brought into the school, which is owned by the student, and which has the capability of connecting to the department's Wi-Fi network. Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is an optional strategy.
2. Access to the department's Wi-Fi network and resources
- Internet access through the department's Wi-Fi network will be provided in classrooms at no cost to students who are enrolled at JCBTHS.
- Further technical details are provided in the "Devices for BYOD" page.
3. Acceptable use of devices
- The principal will retain the right to determine what is, and is not, appropriate use of devices at JCBTHS within the bounds of the department's policies and NSW privacy and other legislation.
- Students must comply with departmental and school policies concerning the use of devices at school while connected to the department's Wi-Fi network.
- Mobile phone voice and text, SMS messaging or device instant messaging use by students during school hours is a school-based decision.
- Students should not attach any school-owned equipment to their mobile devices without the permission of the school principal or an appropriate staff member.
- Students must not create, transmit, retransmit or participate in the circulation of content on their devices that attempts to undermine, hack or bypass any hardware and software security mechanisms that have been implemented by the department, its Information Technology Directorate or the school.
- Students must not copy, transmit or retransmit any material that is protected by copyright, without prior permission from the copyright owner.
- Students must not take photos or make video or audio recordings of any individual or group without the express written permission of each individual (including parent/caregiver consent for minors) being recorded and the permission of an appropriate staff member.
- Students must not use the department's network services to seek out, access, store or send any material of an offensive, obscene, pornographic, threatening, abusive or defamatory nature is prohibited. Such use may result in disciplinary and/or legal action.
- Students and their parents/caregivers must be advised that activity on the internet is recorded and that these records may be used in investigations, court proceedings or for other legal reasons.
- Where a school has reasonable grounds to suspect that a device contains data which breaches the BYOD Student Agreement, the principal/delegate may confiscate the device for the purpose of confirming the existence of the material. Depending on the nature of the material involved, school disciplinary action may be appropriate or further action may be taken including referral to the police.
- The consequences of any breaches of the school's BYOD policy will be determined by the principal in accordance with relevant Department policies and procedures and accepted school practice
4. BYOD Student Agreement
- JCBTHS will maintain a register of agreements with students and their parents/caregivers, acknowledging their obligations under the school's BYOD policy and other relevant departmental policies.
- Prior to connecting their devices to the department's Wi-Fi network, students must return a BYOD Student Agreement.
- The BYOD Student Agreement must be agreed to by the student and by a parent/caregiver. If a student is living independently of their parents/caregivers or is 18 years of age or more, there is no requirement to obtain the signature of a parent/caregiver. Principals will make these determinations.
- By accepting the terms of the BYOD Student Agreement, the student and parents/caregivers acknowledge that the student:
o agrees to comply with the conditions of the school's BYOD policy; and
o understands that noncompliance may result in disciplinary action.
5. Long-term care and support of devices
- Students and their parents/caregivers are solely responsible for the care and maintenance of their devices.
- Students must have a supported operating system and current antivirus software, if applicable, installed on their device and must continue to maintain the latest service packs, updates and antivirus definitions as outlined on the BYOD Student Responsibilities document.
- Students are responsible for ensuring the operating system and all software on their device is legally and appropriately licensed. The department provides access to licensed software for each student, see the "Software for BYOD" page.
- Students are responsible for managing the battery life of their device. Students should ensure that their devices are fully charged before bringing them to school. Schools are not responsible for providing facilities for students to charge their devices.
- Students are responsible for securing and protecting their device in schools, and while travelling to and from school. This includes protective/carry cases and exercising common sense when storing the device. JCBTHS is not required to provide designated or secure storage locations.
- Students should clearly label their device for identification purposes. Labels should not be easily removable.
- Students & Parents should understand the limitations of the manufacturer's warranty on their devices, both in duration and in coverage.
6. Damage and loss
- Students bring their devices onto the school site at their own risk. For advice on theft or damage of students' personal devices, schools should refer to the Legal Issue bulletins below:
- Bulletin No. 8 -
- Bulletin No. 35 -
- In cases of malicious damage or theft of another student's device, existing school processes for damage to school or another student's property apply.
7. Technical support
- JCBTHS are under no obligation to provide technical support for hardware or software. We may provide tutorial and peer support services to troubleshoot basic problems.
8. Insurance
- Student devices are not covered by Treasury Managed Fund or school funds. Insurance is the responsibility of parents/caregivers and students.
9. Digital Citizenship
- The department's Digital Citizenship ( website contains information to support security and device management.
10. Access Equity
- BYOD programs in an education setting, inherently imposes a financial cost on students and their families in supplying a device. The BYOD Program can only function effectively if all students have access to a device that meets the Device Specification.
- To ensure access and equity for all students in years that are part of the BYOD program, JCBTHS has established procedures for families to apply for assistance in obtaining access to a device that meets the suggested minimum device specifications.
- If you believe you are unable to provide a device that meets the specification you may make an application using the link below or make an appointment to speak with the Principal, so that your particular case can be outlined. While the school won't purchase devices for students in the BYOD program there are several options available to provide assistance to students.
These include:
- Loan of a laptop or other device for a particular day.
- Recurrent daily loan of a laptop or other device. You will be asked to make an agreement with the school that confirms the alternative arrangements made for your child's access to a device. For some students this will be facilitated through the Deputy Principal or Wellbeing Head Teacher, particularly in the creation of recurring loans over multiple weeks.
Department of Education Policy References:
Parents and Students will need to agree to as part of the User Agreement.
The following policies can be found by following the link below.
- Bring Your Own Device Policy
- Online Communication Services: Student use of digital devices and online services
BYOD Literature Review 2013 - commissioned by DoE (download)
The literature review draws lines between standardisation, accessibility, and customisation with the success of BYOD initiatives.