18th September 2023
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
The NSW Government has announced restrictions on the use of mobile phones in NSW high schools beginning in Term 4, 2023.
James Cook Boys Technology High School will be making changes to the way mobile phones are accessed by students during the school day. The new system is being implemented to increase focus in classrooms, remove distractions and to also promote positive social interaction, while reducing the potential for online bullying.
Important changes coming in Term 4
The new Student Mobile Phone & Non-Educational Electronic Devices policy at James Cook Boys Technology High School will apply to mobile phones and non-educational electronic devices and will occur during all school hours, including break times such as during lunch and recess, as well as while students are on school-based excursions.
How we will restrict mobile phone access
Students will still be able to carry their phones while travelling to and from school.
Mobile phones and other non-educational electronic devices must be switched off and placed in the student’s school bag before entering the school grounds and are not be taken out until the end of the school day after the student exits the school.
Mobile phones and other non-educational electronic devices must remain switched off and in the student’s school bag when at and, travelling to and from the school for sport; excursions and school events.
Mobile phones and other non-educational electronic devices must remain switched off and in the student’s school bag at all times.
Mobile phones and other non-educational electronic devices that are out of bags without express permission to be used for an educational activity will be confiscated by the teacher. The school office will secure the device until the end of the day when the student can collect the device. An SMS will be sent to parents and caregivers informing them of the device usage during school.
Considerations for exemption
If you have concerns about your child not having access to a mobile phone or a non-educational electronic device, we would be happy to discuss this further with you. Students with special needs, including medical and learning needs, may apply for an exemption. These will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Within the attached documentation you will find the Application for Mobile Phone (Non-Educational Electronic Devices) Exemption form, please review and then make contact by email with the school for a meeting to be scheduled with the Deputy Principal prior to Term 4.
Next steps
Students will be participating in Year group meetings with a detailed presentation outlining the expectations for mobile phones and non-educational electronic devices before the commencement of Term 4.
For reference we have attached to this email the school’s policy, a parent presentation and frequently asked questions for parents and students. For further information regarding the coming changes please contact the school by email at jamescookb-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Mr Mark Marciniak